beBee background
Dima Drui

Dima Drui


Technology / Internet

Haifa, Meẖoz H̱efa


About Dima Drui:

Full-stack developer with experience crafting single & multi-page applications, as well as multi-service apps using Vue, Angular, Node JS, SQL & no SQL database, Azure Cloud.


1 year expperienced in  VueJS / Pinin / NodeJS / MongoDB


Fullstack Camp in Israel

• Final project scored 93/100: - front: Angular 15 / Router / RxJS / Forms

- back 1: Node JS / Express / Log4js
- back 2: Dot.NET / C#
- Tweeter Integration on both servers

• Computer Fundamentals – 50 hours.

• Computer Science and Software Development. Fundamentals – 250h.

• Web Design – 40h.

• Full-Stack Programming Languages, Frameworks, Tools and

• Environments - 220h.

• Practical Full-stack project development – 288h.

Professionals in the same Technology / Internet sector as Dima Drui

Professionals from different sectors near Haifa, Meẖoz H̱efa
